Isd 728 campus student portal. Parents & Students.
Isd 728 campus student portal Students enrolled in an Online728 course are not combined with students taking that same class face-to-face or in a blended model. My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus (opens in new window/tab) The AIEP staff have curated resources for district staff to utilize in curriculum planning and for lessons. My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. Back to School Technology & Apps Access; Parents & Students. Most PSEO courses are offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online. If you need to drop your child off before 9:00 a. (Contact school office to change). Rapid Identity Go! (opens in new window/tab) Skyward Early Release from School: Student Name, Student Grade, Time student needs to be released, and reason for student being released. In addition to email and phone calls for urgent district notices like school cancellations, ISD 728 will send text messages to mobile phones on file. , please contact Community Education at 763-241-3544 or visit ISD 728 attendance policies are in full effect for the 2023-2024 school year. to provide parents with the opportunity to purchase student accident insurance for their child(ren). My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education; Online728 High School; Parents & Students. 13651 4th Ave. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal. My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal; Minnesota Reading & Math Corps; Schoology; Student Website Resources; ISD728 Digital Day Calendar; Student Handbook; New Student Registration Information (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education Post-Secondary Enrollment Options is a program that allows eligible students in 10th, 11th and 12th grades to earn college credit while still in high school. or after 4:00 p. Campus Parent Portal; Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Faculty & Staff. Please note, each item can be ordered with either the RMS logo or a Rogers Royals logo (just select the desired one when placing your order). Research Sites; Schoology Campus Portal FAQ; Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Parent PBIS Information; Parent Portal Student Arrival: Doors Open at 9:00 am Student School Day: 9:15 am - 3:45 pm. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. m. IHonorees from Elk River High, Salk STEM Middle and VandenBerge Middle schools took center stage. org Main Office Phone Line: (763) 274-3140 Main Office Fax: (763) 274-3141 Health Services Office: (763) 274-3140 x1612 Activities Office: (763) 274-3140 x1611 Guidance Office: (763)-274-3145 Main Office. Visit Campus Portal and use the top left Menu button to access More > Absence Requests (see example screenshot below) Select the student(s) you are reporting absent Use the Excuse dropdown list to choose the reason the student(s) will be absent. Schedules will be available on student and parent portal the day of open house. Please see link for options for supplement health insurance. Rapid Identity Go! Online Registration to select your Fall classes will be open in each student's Campus Student Portal account from Tuesday December 3rd - Sunday December 15th 2024. Practice/Tryouts: All teams start date is Monday, August 12, 2024. Use the Excuse dropdown list to choose the reason the student(s) will be absent. Despite the District’s attempt to filter and provide additional protections outside of school, parents/guardians still play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Absences: Student Name; Student Grade; My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) NHS; Online 728 High School ELK RIVER HIGH SCHOOL, All Staff, ROGERS HIGH SCHOOL Email: Phone Numbers: Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. to provide transportation for area students. Clear. Our policies are compliant with the ISD 728 Board of Education Policies. All Rights ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. Graduation regalia will be distributed during the senior picnic on Monday, June 2, 2025. Select the student's school store. The app is available for free from iTunes, Google Play or Amazon, depending on your device. If you need a copy of a prior report card after it is removed, please contact your school's office. Main Office: (763) 241-3505 Attendance: (763) 241-3505, option 1 Health Office: (763) 241-3505 x2808 Fax: (763) 241-3506 Address: 25900 4th Street W Zimmerman, MN 55398 Back to School Technology & Apps Access (opens in new window/tab); Meet the Digital Learning Team (opens in new window/tab); My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab); Schoology (opens in new window/tab); Seesaw (opens in new window/tab); 1 1 Chromebook (opens in new window/tab); Digital Wellness (opens in new window/tab); Student Resources Click here to read more information on how your 7th-12th grade student can participate in the ISD 728 Cadets. Emergency Closing (per each student): Where your child should go if the school needs to be closed during the school day because of an emergency. Digital Learning Online 728 (opens in new window/tab) Online728 High School (opens in new window/tab) Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Report Card Information; Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Media Center CONTACT US. Text Messaging. sagan@isd728. Schoology lets our class connect both at school and from home. K-12 Licensed School Counselor . Demographics (per each student)- non-household contacts including non-parent/guardian emergency contacts not living in the household. Online728 provides an online learning experience offered through ISD 728. Activity Fees & Payment Information Costs are viewable in the ISD728 Co-Curricular Fees schedule. Staff member will ask student to bring the phone to the office. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Lunch My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. Available as Campus Student (for students) and Campus Parent (for parents), Campus Portal allows you to better understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process with real-time access to student information for the current school year. A complete breakfast is available to students every day in the school cafeteria. 241. M. This was following the first day of the recount involving the counting of ballots in Sherburne County precincts. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw MA in Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology, University of Minnesota. REGISTRATION FOR ZMHS SPRING SPORTS IS OPEN . . (Repeat this step for each student). Digital Learning 728 (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 RapidIdentity GO! Portal (opens in new window/tab) Media Center; Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw (opens in new window/tab) Special Education & Services (opens in new window/tab) Student Resources Information about transportation for the 2024-2025 school year can be found under the 2024-2025 School Year tab. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Meals (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 has been working for the last several months with a new vendor - Finalsite - to create a new website experience for our families and friends. last, due to how Parent Portal integrates with employee records. Every effort will be made to accommodate class selections that are entered into Campus but are not guaranteed . Heading into our 7th year of offering full online courses, we are excited to expand our offerings for the 2021-2022 school year. and ends at 3:45 p. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Lunches (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Buses Westwood Elementary. Each student will receive 4 tickets for spectators. Within the app, you can view meal account balances for one or multiple children. This is the same system families currently use for grades, bus routes, report cards, schedules and attendance. Prior school year report cards are available in Parent Portal for 90 days after the school year ends. Employees can update or add personal email address in the Secondary Email Address area, which will be used for the Parent Portal username. Forgot Password? Visit the Campus Student/Parent Portal Help Webpage. MN. Infraction #3: Staff member will remind the student of the cell phone expectations. (honors tassels, cords, and stoles) will be added to student Campus accounts in mid-February. Elk River High School; Community Education / Handke; Hassan Elementary School; Ivan Sand Community Middle/High School; Lincoln Elementary School; Meadowvale Elementary School; Online728; Otsego Elementary School; Parker Elementary School; Prairie View Elementary School; Prairie View Middle School; Rogers Elementary S. American Indian Education Program; Forms; Parents & Students. Our instructional day begins at 9:15 a. Click on Food Service in the left hand menu. Device will be returned to the student upon the student coming to the office at the end of the school day. Visit the Campus Student/Parent Portal Help Webpage. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. Rapid Identity Go! ISD 728 Chromebooks will continue to have filtering to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material. Zimmerman, MN 55398 phone: 763. Visit Getting Started for Parents for help using Campus Portal School Store or Payments. ISD 728 Livestream Channel (opens in new window/tab) CALENDAR; COUNSELING. Advisors: Ashley Justen and Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus (opens in new ISD 728 Livestream Channel (opens in new window/tab) CALENDAR; COUNSELING. Note that these fees will be sent to collections, if not paid, sometime in October of 2025 (the 25-26 school year). My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) NHS; Online 728 High School Parents & Students. office@isd728. E. Middle School Pre-Engineering Program (opens in new window/tab) High School Biomedical Program (opens in new window/tab) Digital Learning 728; Grading Report Cards; Honor Roll; Media Center; My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education; Online728 High School; Schoology; AVID Program (opens in new window/tab) Middle School Pre-Engineering Program (opens in new window/tab) High School Biomedical Program (opens in new window/tab) Digital Learning 728; Grading Report Cards; Honor Roll; Media Center; My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education; Online728 High School; Schoology; AVID Program (opens in new window/tab) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Elk River. Search. Choose an Absence Type for a full day, arrive late, or leave My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) NHS; Online 728 High School Parents & Students. Main Office: (763) 274-3140 Address: 21000 141st Avenue N Rogers, MN 55374 With these additions, the Infinite Campus Parent app is also accessible at your fingertips for food service. org The office staff will secure the device and label it with the student’s name. 3506 ISD 728 RapidIdentity GO! Portal (opens in new window/tab) Media Center. Visit Campus Portal and use the top left Menu button to access More > Absence Requests (see example screenshot below) Select the student(s) you are reporting for absence. Meet Our Staff. This option is valuable for those wanting to provide or locations: elk river high school, all staff, district office, salk middle school, zimmerman middle-high school The AIEP staff have curated resources for district staff to utilize in curriculum planning and for lessons. CONTACT US. Smartphone users - If unable to scroll down in areas of the Campus App to see all options, try adjusting your screen zoom size to be smaller as a workaround, or visit Campus from your web browser instead. New Student Registration Information (opens in new window/tab) Online Registration; Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Employee Access Portal; Early Childhood Educators (opens in new window/tab) Finance & Payroll; Food Service; Tech tips for parents seesaw for parents schoology for parents schoology for students CAMPUS Parent help center. ISD 728 has been working for the last several months with a new vendor - Finalsite - to create a new website experience for our families and friends. Select “Payment Type. RapidIdentity Campus Portal accounts are setup for students and parents when enrolling in an ISD 728 school. Login to Your Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account. Campus Portal FAQ; Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Parent PBIS Information; Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please visit your Campus Parent Portal. Please visit the ISD 728 District Lunch Webpage for more Early Release from School: Student Name, Student Grade, Time student needs to be released, and reason for student being released. Students will be responsible for attending all school days including classes, via the following Attendance Reporting Options including Attendance Reporting Phone Line at 763-241-3555 or via the Campus Portal. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Be sure to complete this three-step process to purchase a student parking permit: STEP ONE- purchase the student parking permit within Campus Portal. Logo Image. Depending on availability, an additional 2 tickets can be requested starting Monday, May 6, at the front desk. You and your student(s) can sport your own RMS or Rogers Royals spirit wear! Place your order online at: Rogers Middle School Spirit Wear. 3) Choose the category and activity/athletic option you would like your student to ISD 728 has been working for the last several months with a new vendor - Finalsite - to create a new website experience for our families and friends. New to Campus Portal, or need your Sign-In information? Campus Parent accounts are automatically setup based on parent email addresses provided during registration. Campus Parent Portal Absence Requests. ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. Arrival | Student Drop Off Procedures Arrival. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Contact Us! Zimmerman Middle/High School 25900 4th St. 11500 193rd Ave NW. 25-26 Course Registration; Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) FALL SPORTS - Football, Girls Volleyball, Boys & Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis, Girls Swim/Dive, Cross Country Running; WINTER SPORTS-Dance, Boys & Girls Hockey, Boys & Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Boys Swim/Dive, Nordic Ski High School Biomedical Program (opens in new window/tab) Digital Learning 728; Grading Report Cards; Honor Roll; Media Center; My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education; Online728 High School; Schoology; AVID Program (opens in Main Office Email: rhs. We ask students and their parent/guardian to review all Back to School Technology & Apps Access (opens in new window/tab) Meet the Digital Learning Team (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) School Closings Emergencies Overview - 2022-23 (opens in new window/tab) ParentLink (opens in new window/tab) Crisis and Lockdown Procedure (opens in new window/tab) Campus Parent Portal Absence Requests. ISD 728 will continue to collect the Application for Educational Benefits to determine if students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. This was following the first day of the Please check your student's fee tab on Campus Parent Portal to make sure you do not have any outstanding classroom or field trip fees for the 24-25 school year. Your email address will be your username. If you prefer not to receive text messages, please do the following: The link for students to access the cap and gown order form is posted on Schoology and requires a student ISD 728 login; parents cannot access the form. 3) Choose the category and activity/athletic option you would like your student to Hearing & Vision Screenings for Students: ISD 728 is no longer scheduling mass vision and hearing screenings vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please visit your Campus Parent Portal. ” School and Food Service Fees with Infinite Campus Parent Portal The integration with Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows parents to pay for items with credit or debit cards instead of sending cash. Insurance: ISD 728 does not provide any type of health or accident insurance for injuries incurred by your student at school. My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal - Westwood Elementary School. Time TBD by each team so please check social media or contact the coach. ERZHS CO-OP SPORTS REGISTRATIONS OPEN 2/10/2025 ; 1) Login to your Parent Portal Account, using your email address on file with the school. To provide all students with academic, data-driven interventions from a trained professional to improve standards-based learning. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Early Release from School: Student Name, Student Grade, Time student needs to be released, and reason for student being released. Students access Campus portal using their school issued Campus Parent Independent School District 728 Elk River. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw (opens in new window/tab) 1 1 Chromebook (opens in new window/tab) Campus Portal accounts are setup for students and parents when enrolling in an ISD 728 school. ISD 728 School Board Meetings Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in new window/tab) Faculty & Staff. Close Menu. My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) NHS; Online 728 High School (opens in new window/tab) Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Summer School; COUNSELING. Starting April 15, 2019, Campus Portal accounts are setup for students and parents when enrolling in an ISD 728 school. 55330. Phone: (763) 241-3475 Fax: (763) 241-3476 Attendance Line: (763) 241-3555 Address: 25959 4th Street W Zimmerman, MN 55398 The information in this handbook has been carefully prepared to help students succeed at all elementary schools. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments Students and parents can see their account balance in the Campus Portal account. Questions regarding a student’s account, including the printed statements, should be made to the Food Service Department at Elk River High School. ISD 728 provides Infinite Campus Parent Portal to students, and parents/guardians of students attending our schools. Choose an Absence Type for a full day, arrive late, or leave early. All 5th grade students at schools in the ISD 728 district will Hearing & Vision Screenings for Students: ISD 728 is no longer scheduling mass vision and hearing screenings. Report an Absence, Tardy or Early Release. Parent Username: (Required) Password: (Required) Show. Sign in to Campus Parent Portal ; Open the Portal menu by clicking the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner. Magnet School As part of ISD 728's ongoing technology improvements, we have begun using Schoology, an integrated learning management solution that helps track and improve student outcomes as well as enhance student engagement. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 and local businesses partnered to sponsor a calendar that has important events from the following schools all on ONE calendar! These Student Barcodes can be found on Student Campus Portal under Today, or if they have not received one; Course to Take for Each Pathway; Arts Communications & IT (opens in new window/tab); Business Management and Administration (opens in new window/tab); Engineering Manufacturing & Trades (opens in new window/tab); Health Science & Human Services (opens in new window/tab); CTE Internships Overview All students are eligible for one reimbursable breakfast and one reimbursable lunch per school day free of charge. If you receive an automated call saying your student was marked absent from school or class, please check your Parent Portal for more details on the absence. Parents & Students. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Online728 provides an online learning experience offered through ISD 728. To register to be a cast or crew member, CLICK HERE! Login to Parent Portal (parent/guardian, not student) Click on School Store CONTACT US. Campus Portal FAQ; Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Parent PBIS Information; Parent Portal ISD 728 RapidIdentity GO! Portal (opens in new window/tab) Media Center; Schoology Parents & Students. Students and parents can see their account balance in the Campus Portal account. ISD 728 Safety Initiatives Please check out ISD 728's Safety Initiatives page for more detailed information regarding how our district handles safety and prevention in our schools. Students access Campus portal using their school issued Back to School Technology & Apps Access (opens in new window/tab); Meet the Digital Learning Team (opens in new window/tab); My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab); Schoology (opens in new window/tab); Seesaw (opens in new window/tab); 1 1 Chromebook (opens in new window/tab); Digital Wellness (opens in new window/tab); Student Resources ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus (opens in new window/tab) Bussing/Transportation ISD 728 has been working for the last several months with a new vendor - Finalsite - to create a new website experience for our families and friends. This "work in progress" is the result - but please know that many things around ISD728. A collection of presentations, videos, classroom decor, coloring pages, and lesson plans are available for staff use in the ISD728 AIEP Staff resource folder. Spirit Wear Sale: Ends Tuesday, September 24. Elk River High School is home to students building on a long tradition of high Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. You can also call the Attendance Line: 763-241-3555; press 3 for Rogers; press 3 for Rogers High School. 3505 fax: 763. Families/students who have applied for either free or reduced-price meals will be notified by mail. Logo Title. Zimmerman, MN 55398 Phone: 763-274-3180 Fax: 763-274-3181 Attendance Line: 763-241-3555 - In order to better support effective communication, we are requesting that parents send a dismissal note with their child to request a blue note for parent pick up from school. Students generate both college credit and high school credit by successful completion of the course. Independent School District 728. My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw Student Council meets once per month and assists with events including Veterans Day, Gifts Anonymous, CAER Food Shelf and more. Information about transportation for the 2024-2025 school year can be found under the 2024-2025 School Year tab. Due to new Campus security requirements all users must create a Campus login to make a donation. Smartphone users - If unable to scroll down If you are also an employee of ISD 728 (including coaches), your primary email address must remain the school issued first. OUR SCHOOL. Parents must remain in their vehicles during student drop off and pick up. Sondra Billing All students will register with their district assigned high school building. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to contribute a lesson to the folder. Students are not permitted in the school building before 9:00 a. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Lunch (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments; Campus Portal Absence Requests. Due to constraints on creating a schedule, we will not take teacher requests. Choose an Absence Type for full day, arrive late, or leave early. Parents are not permitted to park and walk their child to the school's entrance at drop-off time, nor can they park and walk to the front entrance to If you do not have a username and password, please supply the following information and click Continue. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) At its regular Board Meeting in early December, the ISD 728 School Board took time to honor and present certificates to student leaders from around the District, continuing a time-honored tradition. If you are new to ISD 728, please review our Registration Page for more information. Use the STUDENTS and STAFF should use the RapidIdentity GO Portal to access priority systems such as Google Drive, Schoology, Seesaw and IXL. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, Parents & Students. Schoology is an online classroom management system that improves learning through better ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. ISD 728 contracts with Vision of Elk River, Inc. T. ISD 728 Livestream Channel (opens in new window/tab) CALENDAR; (ERHS) provides each of our students unique and personal pathways for their future success in college and career. Absences: Student Name; Student Grade; My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. S. The school office will review and process these into attendance events for the student similar to the called in requests. Skyward - Employee Access ; Rapid Identity Go; February 11, 2025: Spring Play Meeting (After School) February 19, 2025: Spring Play Auditions SHOW TIMES Friday, May 2, 2025 - 7:00pm Saturday, May 3, 2025 - 7:00pm Sunday, May 4, 2025 - 2:00pm . If you would like to livestream the ceremony, the link is below. Back to School Technology & Apps Access (opens in new window/tab) Meet the Digital Learning Team (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Locations: All Staff, EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION, OTSEGO ELEMENTARY Email: Phone Numbers: School: (763)241-3400 Digital Learning 728 (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 RapidIdentity GO! Portal (opens in new window/tab) Media Center; Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw (opens in new window/tab) Special Education & Services (opens in new window/tab) Student Resources ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. If a change occurs during the school day and a parent Jessica Sagan Middle School Counseling Administration Assistant (763) 241-3505 x 2861 jessica. Students access Campus portal using their school issued username and password, available Starting April 15, 2019, Campus Portal accounts are setup for students and parents when enrolling in an ISD 728 school. Locate the box for the appropriate student account and enter the amount you would like to add and click “Add to Cart” Click on My Cart on the right hand side of the screen. Back to School Technology & Apps Access (opens in new window/tab) Meet the Digital Learning Team (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab) As a service to students and families, ISD 728 has contracted with Student Assurance Services Inc. org My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. and/or pick up your child after 3:45 p. Registration Materials. Rapid Identity Go! (opens in new window/tab) My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. As an alternate option to calling the District Absence Reporting Line (763) 241-3555, parents and guardians can use the Portal’s Absence Request tool to inform school offices when their student is not going to be in school. Click the button below for access. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 has been working for the last several months with a new vendor - Finalsite - to create a new website experience for our families and friends. Click on the “Pay” button. Main Office: (763) 274-6270 Address: 25900 4th Street W Zimmerman, MN 55398 ISD 728 has been working for the last several months with a new vendor - Finalsite - to create a new website experience for our families and friends. Register Your Student (opens in new window/tab) Student Handbook (opens in new window/tab) Transportation Campus Portal FAQ; Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Parent PBIS Information; Parent Jessica Sagan Middle School Counseling Administration Assistant (763) 241-3505 x 2861 jessica. Click HERE to view the process. W. 2) Choose the student's School Store found under the left Menu Icon. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Bussing/Transportation (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. ISD 728 Public School Store allows friends and family that do not have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal login to make donations. Select the student(s) you are reporting for absence. Students should arrive at 5:00 pm for pictures on the football field! The graduation ceremony is NOT open to the public. Skip To Main Content. This will be for all students entering into 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade for the 2025-26 school year. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Menus My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) American Indian Education. Parents and guardians will receive notification prior to the first day of school regarding their child's bus route, assignment and scheduled bus stop locations and times. With these additions, the Infinite Campus Parent app is also accessible at your fingertips for food service. org are still under construction. Visit Campus Portal and use the top left Menu button to access More > Absence Requests. Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Online Payments (opens in new window/tab) Food Service/Meals (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 of her decision to withdraw from the school board election recount process. Digital Learning 728; Equity at Hassan; Forms (opens in new window/tab) Media Center; My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal (opens in new window/tab) Parent Advisory Committee (opens in new window/tab) Resources (opens in new window/tab) Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw (opens in new window/tab) Special Education Students should enter through either Door C. STAFF - Elk River Area ISD 728 Back to School Technology & Apps Access (opens in new window/tab); Meet the Digital Learning Team (opens in new window/tab); My ISD 728 Rapid Identity Portal (opens in new window/tab); Schoology (opens in new window/tab); Seesaw (opens in new window/tab); 1 1 Chromebook (opens in new window/tab); Digital Wellness (opens in new window/tab); Student Resources You can use Campus Portal to review and update your Household Family and Emergency Contact Information on file with ISD 728. Student Resources - Parker Elementary School. Please visit the ISD 728 District Lunch Webpage for more ISD 728 School Board candidate Shari Knip officially notified District officials on Tuesday, Read More about Student Leaders from Salk, Campus Parent Portal (opens in new window/tab) Transportation/Bussing (opens in new window/tab) Staff information and resources for the Elk River Area ISD 728. Students access Campus portal using their school issued username and password, available My ISD 728 RapidIdentity Portal; Minnesota Reading & Math Corps; Schoology; Student Website Resources; ISD728 Digital Day Calendar; Student Handbook; New Student Registration Digital Learning 728 (opens in new window/tab) ISD 728 RapidIdentity GO! Portal (opens in new window/tab) Media Center; Schoology (opens in new window/tab) Seesaw (opens in new CLICK HERE for online payments via Campus Parent Portal. Choose the School Store option. hplk lyxz tcsezf dvizr fawejmc bof zrkj pjagy wzu hkbyjwvk pxyssq yhisgf txmfhy eyeen iyyhk