GSS Background Information.
Gibson School Systems was founded in 2000 by Dr. Leea Gibson and Mr. Mohammed Aden. The school was named Gibson Youth Academy after Dr. Gibson’s family name. Dr. Gibson is an American who came to Ethiopia in 1998 G.C to contribute to the quality of education in Africa. She has a bachelor’s degree in education with a focus in English as a second language. She has a masters degree in Educational Administration. Dr. Leea Gibson is a holder of the Ed. D (Doctorate of Education) in Educational Leadership. Dr. Gibson has been a librarian, an English teacher, an English Language Editor for a Major American Magazine, an assistant school principal, and a school director before founding Gibson Youth Academy, the first GSS School.
Mr. Mohammed Aden is a proud Ethiopian businessman who operates successfully in various sectors in Ethiopia. He has a masters degree in Economics. In addition to his business ventures, he is a generous benefactor and contributor to many charities and worthy causes. Gibson School Systems started with one school in the Bole campus which is now the former central office. The first year, the school had 330 students. Today, Gibson School Systems consists of six kindergartens, seven lower primary schools, and six high schools in Kolfe, Kore, SarBet, Bole Medanealem, Lafto, Bole24 and CMC. In addition to serving thousands of students all across Addis Ababa, Gibson School Systems provides jobs to over 1500 people. Dr. Leea Gibson and Mr. Mohammed Aden are very grateful to the people who help to make this organization strong every day.
Enabling the rising generation, by way of quality education, so as to become productive, socially competent, problem solvers, Developing well -rounded personalities with humane characters, thereby, producing full-fledged, matured Ethiopian citizens who can successfully live and work in peace and harmony both at home and internationally.
Based on the curriculum and policy of the land, providing adequate knowledge, skills, information, talent, attitudes, vision and values for those students enrolled in all grades and levels which will assist them in the building of the nation.
Patriotism , decisiveness, honesty, patience, freedom of expression, commitment, equity, effectiveness, quality, participation, excellence, punctuality and strong work ethic.
በትም/ቤቱ ያሉ ታዳጊ ሕፃናት በላቀ ትምህርት አማካይነት አምራች፣ ሚዛናዊና ማኀበራዊ አመለካከት ያላቸው፣ ችግር ፈቺ፣ የተሟላ ስብእናና ለሰው ወገን ፍቅር ያላቸው፣ በሠላምና በኀብረት በሀገርም ሆነ በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ሁለተናዊ ተሳትፎ የሚያደርጉ በሳይ ዜጐችን ማፍራት ነው፡፡
በየክፍሉና በየደረጃው ተመዝግበው ትምህርታቸውን በመከታተል ላይ የሚገኙ ተማሪዎች ሁሉ፣ በተዘረጋው ሥርዓተ ትምህርትና ፖሊሲ መሠረት ብቁ ዕውቀት፣ ክህሎት፣ ችሎታ፣ አመለካከትና መልካም ሥነ ምግባር እንዲያዳብሩና ጠንካራ ሀገር ገንቢ እንድሆኑ ማስቻል ነው፡፡
ጥልቅ የሀገር ፍቅር /አርበኝነት/ ቁርጠኝነት፣ በታጋሽነት፣ ጽናት፣ ተሳታፊነት፣ ሐሳብን በነፃነት መግለጽ፣ ተአማኒነት፣ ፍትሐዊነት፣ ግልጽነት፣ ውጤታማነት፣ ጥራት፣ አሳታፊነት፣ ሰዓት አክባሪነት፣ ጠንካራ የሥራ ባሕል፣ አርአያነት፣ ልቆ መገኘት